The Fort Meade Recreation Area is nearly 7,000 acres (more than 10 square miles) of open space managed for a variety of recreational purposes. This Recreation Area lies to the east of Sturgis, and borders the limits of the city for a significant distance. There are multiple trail heads residents and visitors can use to access the 7th Cavalry Trail System on the Bureau of Land Management managed land. These trailheads are located in the I-90 corridor, just north of exit 34 and the National Cemetery at the Alkali Creek Campground and Horse Camp, near Believers Fellowship northeast of Exit 32, from Lions Club Park, or from the Fort Meade Trailhead, located just west of Fort Meade.
While there are many uses and users of the Recreation Area, the prime attraction is the 7th Cavalry Trail System. The new as of 2016 Trail System features more than 20 miles of moderate to advanced single track trails designed primarily for hiking, mountain biking, and horseback riding. The Centennial Trail runs through the Recreation Area and ties the Trail System to Bear Butte to the north and to many additional recreation opportunities to the south after it passes under Interstate 90. Other uses of the area include, especially for residents, an area where dogs can be walked or trained off-leash and the Recreation Area also includes great hunting opportunities.
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Read more about the area on the BLM Fort Meade Recreation Area webpage.